Protected Sex Late Period

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The term Reconstruction Era, in the context of the history of the United States, has two senses: the first covers the complete history of the entire country from 1865

For the last week or so, I’ve been somewhat convinced that I’m pregnant. For the most part, this belief was paranoid, but also not entirely outside the realm of

Hi! I am 8 days late, I have usually regular periods, I have had protected sex 8 days before ovulation was supposed to take place. One or two days after ovulation I

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Is your period late and you have a negative pregnancy test? Late periods are so scary and nerve wracking, especially when you are sexually active.

From time to time, the Department of Homeland Security may designate certain foreign nations as too dangerous for its citizens to return to safely. If your country is

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Answers to common questions about having sex while you are on your period. Many couples worry about engaging in sexual activity during menstruation, but having sex

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5 Surprising Ways You’re Not Protected During Sex. Yes, you can get an STD from oral sex.

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Missing a menstrual period, especially if you have regular periods, is a significant event for most women. You are probably now asking: “Am I pregnant?”

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Mondays are long, busy, stressful, and apparently, according to Instacart sales data, not very sexy. Sorry, Monday.

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The history of dance is difficult to access because dance does not often leave behind clearly identifiable physical artifacts that last over millennia, such as stone

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